15th February 2021

Scuba Pro D-Mask Origins

When I first starting teaching Scuba at Dive World Scuba while in College, the Scuba Pro D400 mask was still in production. The darth vader like contraption offered a different design than common second stages. 

ScubaPro brought the D series regulators back recently, and with it a new mask, the D-Mask in 2020. Soon, online ordering will be available for the D-Mask on our site (you can still call us and order it over the phone as well as send us your own D-Mask to have lenses installed), but in the meantime, I wanted to provide you with a brief overview of the D-Mask, who would want it as a prescription dive mask, and some photos of a d-mask with prescription lenses we installed. 

A diver under blue water in Cozumel, Mexico is wearing a scuba pro d mask as well as a Hollis Rebreather.
Our friend Aiar diving the Scuba Pro D-Mask and the Horizon rebreather
ScubaPro D-Mask available with prescription lenses from See the Sea RX
The reintroduced scuba pro d-series regulator

Overview of the d mask

When designing the D-Mask, ScubaPro included a few unique features:

  • UV coated lenses. Most dive masks on the market do not include a UV coating to protect your eyes at the surface of the water; however the D-Mask does.  The lenses also have a slight purple hue to help provide accurate colors underwater despite the UV coating.
  • Various size options. The D-Mask comes in three skirt sizes (seen on the right)- Small for petite adults or children, medium for most average adults, and wide for those with wider faces.
  • Trufit skirt- similar to the skirt on the synergy series of masks from Scuba Pro. 


Even if the D-Series regulators do not interest you, the D-Mask style is unique and offers a prescription dive mask option in a moderate volume mask. The Scuba Pro Heads Up display dive computers (Galileo) easily attaches to the D-Mask, and the mask comes with a quality fabric dive mask case. 

Sizing options for Scuba Pro D-Mask. The S mall is really for very petite adults or children. The medium for most average adults. The Wide fits wider faces.

Prescription optical lens options for the d-mask

The D-Mask is available with all custom lenses from See the Sea RX. This includes:

  • Single Vision Lenses: these lenses correct for distance only (and available in high index for strong prescriptions).
  • Reading Lenses: These lenses do not correct for distance, but are normally located at the bottom of the mask to help divers see their gauges, camera, or computer. 
  • Bifocal Lenses: Bifocal lenses come in several options and help scuba divers correct for both near and distant vision problems. I wrote a long article covering the dive mask bifocal lens options, which you can read here. 
Another feature of the D-Mask is it does accept our stock lenses. Stock lenses are premade off the shelf lenses that can only correct for distance vision and do NOT correct for astigmatism (or prism). Stock lens dive masks are more affordable than our custom prescription dive masks for those whose prescriptions fit the parameters. The D-Mask with stock lenses can be ordered here. 

Whether you have optical needs that require custom lenses or a simple prescription which can be corrected with stock lenses, the Scuba Pro D-Mask with lenses from See the Sea RX is a great option for a lot of divers.

(The D-Mask on the left of this paragraph had custom bifocal lenses installed by See the Sea RX).

How to order a d-mask with prescription lenses

You can order the Scuba Pro D Mask with either custom or stock lenses from See the Sea. 

If you meet the following, stock lenses may work for you:

  • Distance only prescription (within -5.00 up to +4.00)
  • No prism or astigmatism correction needed
  • No near vision (bifocals) needed
If you fit within those parameters, the Scuba Pro D-Mask with Stock Lenses can be ordered here. 


If your prescription is out of range of stock lenses, if you require bifocals, or if you need astigmatism or prism correction, the Scuba Pro D-Mask with custom prescription lenses can be ordered here. 

If you already have a D-Mask and want us to install lenses, you can order the lenses at SeetheSearx.com/ordering and click on “I have a mask”.

The scubapro D-Mask is located on in the middle of our mask selections on the custom lens ordering page.
Picture of Josh


Josh is an optical technician and owner of See the Sea RX. He is a PADI instructor and has been involved in diving for more than 20 years. He has also worked as a sergeant at the Harris County, Texas, Sheriff's Office, which included time as the instructor for the dive team. Josh also holds a masters degree in data analytics from Texas A&M.